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We’ll find you the right home loan

At AMAFG, the only choice that matters to us is the one that’s right for you.

How can we help you

  • We compare more than 30 lenders to get you a great deal.
  • We do all the paperwork and running around for you.
  • We provide expert advice at no cost to you because the lenders pay us.
  • We pay the same rate no matter which home loan you choose from our wide choice of lenders, so you know we have your best interests at heart.


Buying a home

Home sweet home

Buying your first home is both exciting and nerve-wrecking. It is a major decision that takes planning and research, and careful budgeting. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Are you ready to buy?

You are ready to become a home-owner if you have the following things in place:

  • A substantial deposit– The bigger the better when you’re saving for a home. A deposit of 20% of the purchase price plus enough to cover costs is a good goal.
  • A regular savings habit– A history of regular savings in your bank account and a solid track record of employment will make it easier for you to get a home loan.
  • Pre-approval for a loan– Compare a few different loans before you decide. Ask your lender for a key facts sheet on each home loan so you can compare more easily. Once you choose the loan and have been pre-approved you’ll know what the repayments will be and how much you can afford to spend on a property.
  • Some additional savings– These will act as a buffer if interest rates rise and your repayments increase.Alternatively choose a loan that allows extra repayments so you can build a buffer early on.

Struggling to get into the property market?

Widen your property search

Not everyone can afford to live in their ideal location. If you’re trying to get a foot in the market consider moving out of your comfort zone into an area you may not have considered before.

Areas further out from cities or towns can be good value for money and offer a great first step into the market.

Consider a smaller property

If you really want to live in a particular area you may have to start small and work your way up. Consider an apartment or a smaller house that you can add to over time.

Compromise on finishes

Properties that are dated or in need of renovation can be a cheaper option for home buyers. Look for a home that is structurally sound and then clean it to your standard. Add a lick of paint here and there to improve the look and renovate as your budget allows.

Consider an investment property rather than living in the home

Investment properties outside capital cities or in smaller towns or rural areas can have decent rental yields, making up for much lower capital gains.

The benefit of a positively geared property is that a tenant repays your loan while you build equity. This allows you to sell the property later and use the proceeds as a deposit on a property closer to where you want to live. Find out more about property investment.

How much can you afford?

A good way to find out how much you can afford to spend on a property is to review your household budget. If you don’t already have one, use our budget planner to:

  • Take what you’re currently saving toward a deposit and add in what you pay in rent, to work out how much you can afford to repay
  • Work out how much you can comfortably afford to borrow without stretching your budget too far, making sure you have a buffer
  • Include all the costs that come with home ownership: up-front costs like stamp duty and legal fees and lender’s mortgage insurance, as well as ongoing costs like land and water rates, house and contents insurance, and repairs

Ask one of the consultant at AMAFG to make sure you are getting the best deal.

Stamp duty calculators

One of the bigger upfront costs you may have to pay is stamp duty or transfer duty on your property. Find out how much you will need to pay using calculators on the websites below. If you are a first-home buyer, check what stamp duty concessions you are entitled to in your state.

ACT –  Revenue Office: Calculators
NSW – Office of State Revenue: Calculator – for land and property transfers
NT – Department of Treasury and Finance: Stamp duty calculators
QLD – Office of State Revenue: Transfer duty calculator
SA – RevenueSA calculator: Stamp duty on conveyances
TAS – Department of Treasury and Finance: Property transfer duty calculator
VIC – State Revenue Office: Our calculators
Western Australia – Department of Treasury and Finance: Calculators

Finding the right property

There’s no point looking for a waterfront mansion if you can only afford a boatshed. Once you’ve set your price range, identify the suburbs that have properties in that range – it will save you a lot of legwork. Go to theAustralian Property Monitors: Home Price Guide to see property prices in different suburbs.

Then comes the fun part: finding the house or unit you want. Take your time and consider things like proximity to schools, transport and amenities, and the condition of the property. Does it need major repairs?

Before you buy, arrange for building and pest inspections, and have the contract checked by a conveyancer or solicitor before you sign. Make sure the person inspecting your future home is qualified to do so, such as a licensed builder, architect or surveyor.

In some states you can also have inspections during the ‘cooling-off period’, or the 5 days after you sign the contract, as long as you don’t buy at auction – where there is no cooling-off period. If you withdraw during the period you will lose part of your deposit.

If you plan to buy a property as an investment, rather than a home to live in, read our information about investing in property.

Steps to buying a property

The process for buying a property is slightly different in each state  and territory. For detailed information visit the fair trading office for your  state.

Buying a home for the first time can feel like a giant leap into the unknown, but there are plenty of things you can do to make sure you don’t fall into a financial abyss. Keep to your budget, put some money aside for emergencies, and take your time to find a place that feels like home.

Ask one of the consultant at AMAFG to make sure you are getting the best deal.


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